Monday, April 13, 2009

AIDS, Nile Perch, Mass Extinctions, Prostitution, and Pilots from the Ukraine

What's the connection?  Well, if you eat Nile Perch, you are contributing to AIDS, mass extinctions, prostitution, and grimy Ukrainian pilots (no offense to all the Ukranian readers).  The Nile Perch was introduced to Lake Victoria (this is apparently the birthplace of mankind) in Africa about 50 years ago.  Since then, the species has caused the extinction of 100's of fish species.  It is a huge predator and is the sole source of income for many fishing villages in Tanzania.  Unfortunately, these villages are extremely poor and the fishermen get close to nothing for their hard work.  

The documentary Darwin's Nightmare showcases the tragedies in the region.  Nearly all the women and girls are subject to prostitution, AIDS spreads quicker than butter, and dirty, fat Ukrainian pilots who fly out the fish get to bang any Tanzanian woman they want.  It is a really depressing documentary, but definitely worth checking out.  See for more, and don't eat Nile Perch unless it's on sale for at least 25% off.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Can unplugging your cell phone charger make you as cool as Kanye West?

Obviously not, there's no way you could ever be as awesome as Kanye.  But, I recently heard that Kanye was promoting the idea that unplugging your cell phone charger can save energy and the world.  Since everyone knows that Kanye is both a genius and a gay fish, I immediately knew that Kanye was speaking the truth.  Apparently, unplugging just about any electronic device that is not in use will save quite a bit of energy.  The best thing to do is use power strips and shut them off before you go to bed or are out of the house.  So just try to unplug as much stuff as you can as often as you can and you'll save thousands of dollars and polar bears in no time.

For more good Kanye advice, check out his genius site
Also, make sure you get a pair of his newly designed shoes the Air Yeezy's.  

Picture from Wikipedia

Saturday, April 11, 2009

#1 Enemy to the Ozone: Cows

Think Escalades and private jets are the reasons why the Ozone is detioriating?  Well, cows are doing a lot more to destroy the precious layer that saves us from UV rays.  According to the genius Bill Nye, cows produce about 20% of the world's greenhouse gases.  This is more than all the cars, trains, and planes combined.  Where does it come from?  Their poop; it releases tons of methane which eats up the Ozone like nothing else.  Another problem with cows: they supposedly consume half of the nation's fresh water supply.   

Solutions to the poopy problem?  Well, we could stop eating beef and drinking milk, but I'm not quite ready to give up on Whoppers and giant glasses of late night milk.  Bill Nye states that feeding cows garlic can cut these emissions in half.  So tell all the cattle raisers you know to start throwing some garlic in the feed, and this can cut emissions by more than if we all drove hybrids.  

How can you possibly make some green off this?  If hippies and earth lovers start demanding garlic-fed beef, we can expect garlic demand to shoot up.  Maybe you could start a garlic farm or buy garlic futures (I don't know if these exist or not) or stock in a company that produces garlic.  75% of garlic is grown in China, so I guess you could go to China and start a farm or find some Chinese immigrant garlic workers to start a farm here.  

Here's the linke to the Bill Nye video: